Conflicting Religious Values in Globalizing Japan
明日、East Asia Center (UCSB) の公開講演会で、"Conflicting Religious Values in Globalizing Japan: From the Meiji to the Present" というテーマで話をします。
目下、プレゼン資料の準備中です(Keynote で作成)。
This lecture examines the roles of Christianity, Islam, State Shinto, and Buddhism in Japanese modernity. Since the Meiji period, Japanese politicians and intellectuals have attempted to "civilize" Japan as a way of countering the West. This historical process has contributed to the formation of Occidentalism and religious nationalism in Japan. This talk will also address current discourses of "monotheism vs. polytheism" in Japan, compare "idolatry" with Orientalism, and shed light on the destructive effects of iconoclasm in the realpolitik of global society.